Remote pharmacists are emerging as a powerful tool to alleviate burnout and improve quality care for patients as hospitals and health systems struggle to meet the growing demand for pharmacy services 

The role of hospital pharmacists is shifting, expanding from a traditionally medication-dispensing role to a more active position within the clinical care team. Today, pharmacists collaborate with physicians, nurses and other care professionals to assist with medication selection and monitoring, advising on the most effective treatment options, and engaging directly with patients to ensure medication adherence and improving quality outcomes.

The Pharmacist Burnout Problem

As hospital pharmacists become more integral to patient care and safety, the strain of expanded responsibilities is taking its toll.  The increased workload, pressure to make clinical decisions and growing administrative tasks are contributing to rising levels of stress. Indeed, burnout is hitting pharmacists too, causing many to leave the profession – particularly those who work in hospital settings with high-pressure situations that require quick and accurate decision-making. According to a 2024 survey, 74% of hospital pharmacies are facing significant staffing shortages.

Addressing hospital pharmacy staffing challenges is essential to maintaining an effective healthcare environment and providing the best possible care for patients. When pharmacy staffing is inadequate, a trickle-down effect occurs. Physicians and advanced practice providers (APPs) miss the round-the-clock resources they’re accustomed to. Nurses may be forced to pick up the slack dealing with medication errors, drug shortages and other pharmacy team duties. This could potentially delay treatments and lead to medication errors, given there are less checks and balances in place.

What’s more, gaps in pharmacy services can disrupt hospital operations, increasing the risk of adverse drug events, which are currently the fourth leading cause of death in the US. Adverse drug events are frequently preventable with timely pharmacy intervention.

A Virtual Lifeline

With patient safety at stake, the need for a robust remote pharmacy solution is more critical than ever. Telemedicine offers a promising solution. Avel eCare’s remote pharmacy services offer immediate access to expert support that enhances both patient and staff satisfaction.

With Avel Pharmacy, hospitals and health systems can mitigate staffing shortages and reduce burnout by having 24/7 access to Avel’s remote pharmacy team around the clock, allowing for seamless coverage during vacations and absences. This team of licensed, hospital-trained pharmacists integrates with local care teams to provide medication order entry, reviews, and verifications of orders as well as recommendations for dosage adjustments and monitoring. This approach not only improves staff confidence and satisfaction but also reduces reliance on costly contract labor and temporary staffing solutions. It also helps minimize adverse drug events, which in turn improve hospital margins.

Given the need for more efficient, flexible and accessible pharmacy services, it’s safe to say the conversation around using telemedicine in hospital pharmacies isn’t going to slow down any time soon. Adoption continues to increase and expand into areas such as helping providers avoid allergy issues and supporting antimicrobial stewardship protocols.

Proven Impact

Avel eCare Pharmacy stands out for its dedication to excellence and attention to detail. With recent average turnaround times of under 20 minutes for all orders—and even faster 5 minutes for stat orders—Avel eCare ensures that critical medications are reviewed and processed with remarkable efficiency and accuracy. Our overall reported error rates have been at or below 0.04% this past year.  This quick response is vital for patient safety and effective treatment, especially in high-pressure hospital environments where every minute counts.

Avel Pharmacists understand Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) and hospital workflows. They are trained to navigate the different EMR systems seamlessly, ensuring medication orders are integrated into existing hospital protocols. In partnership with local healthcare teams, Avel Pharmacists help review those medication orders and therefore reduce the risk of medication errors and adverse events.

The Avel Pharmacy team processes millions of orders each year and tens of thousands of interventions, while avoiding thousands of adverse drug events.

The experienced team prides itself on a spirit of high-quality care and pursuing the best outcomes for the patients. By choosing Avel eCare, hospitals are not just selecting a service but are partnering with a leader in innovative telehealth solutions. Discover how Avel eCare Pharmacy can elevate your hospital’s medication management and support your mission of delivering exceptional care to every patient, every day.